Thursday, October 10, 2013

Goddess Durga Navratre Special

Durga, identified with parvati, is a goddess with a beautiful form, has many hands carrying weapons, and rides a lion. she is a combination of feminine and creative energy, often called shakti. Therefore, Durga and shakti are practically synonymous, though sometimes interpreted differently.

The Devi Mahatmyam of the Markandey Purana explains that the form of Durga as a warrior was created to combat the demon Mahishasura.
Rambha, king of demons, once fell in love with a water buffalo. mahishasura was born of this Union. Mahisha means buffalo. He was blessed with the ability to change between human and buffalo forms at will He was very powerful. Through prayers and penance, he pleased Brahma and obtained the boon that neither man nor god could kill him. With his new found power, he began plundering the three worlds. The gods cloud not face the terror he unleashed. Fed up of his atrocities, the gods led by Indra went to Brahma. He took them to vishnu and Shiva for help. Unfortunately, even the Hindu Trinity could not subdue Mahishasura. He continued wreaking havoc wherever he went.

Since Only a woman cloud Kill Mahishasura, Brahma, vishnu and shiva created a brilliant and powerful beam of energy from which durga began to emerge. Indra and the other gods too sent out beams of energy. Then each of the gods gave her their weapons.

AS the world reverberated with the challenge of the Goddess, everyone rushed out of their homes to see what had happened. mahishasura was furious, Who was responsible for the commotion? The Asuras Charged out to find the magnificent Goddess, seated on a lion, shinning from head to toe. They lost no time in attacing her with all their weapons. the Goddess destroyed them with ease. The Goddess Durga cut off  Mahishasura head, putting an end to him forever. 

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